Listen up: Our latest discussions
Christchurch's business focused podcast direct to you every week. Hosted by David Melse.
Our story: We’re more than just voices
David has a lofty ambitious goal, the $10 million in 10 years challenge. Join David on his journey, keeping up to date with his progress as well as the insights he learns along the way.
Over 170 episodes produced
200+ hours of content
Leading New Zealand business people interviewed
In the spotlight: Our most popular episodes
Here is our pick out of our 170+ episodes.
David Melse
By day I'm a business coach at ALT. and I work with business owners and professionals who are keen to learn and grow. Since starting the $10 million in 10 years challenge, I've been producing a podcast where I share what I've been learning as well as interesting interviews.
In their words: What our listeners say
Don't just take our word for it, here's why our guests love us and our listeners keep coming back.
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