October 2023

A quick overview of the month of October, 2023.

My Tesla has been received, I’m enjoying it, it’s an amazing car, so much technology, speed and convenience. The charging situation isn’t ideal but I’m working on a resolution for that.

Property headaches with the West Coast property have brought me to the realisation that proeprty might just not be for me and that’s something I’m totally okay with. It’s interesting how it seems to be SUCH a big part of peoples goals, passions and aspirations. I get the benefits, I do. I just don’t enjoy the drama that comes along with maintenance, tenants and other associated elements.

I’ve committed fully to my coaching business, like anything at the beginning, it’s hard, stressful and a juggle but I’m loving it overall, the idea of helping people and sharing some of the things i’ve both learnt along the way and passionate about could well be the dream role I’ve been searching for.

The hard parts I allude to are areas to work on but also to use as examples of challenges I’ve over come and either systemised, outsourced or dealt with in someway. I think that’s the magic, persevering, figuring it out, doing the work, having the hard conversations, that’s where the gold is.

By comparison I’ve had a few conversations this week where a couple of people have been either dabbling in or looking for that secret magic pill which is the mythical get rich quick with low risk magic pill. It’s staggering to me that people can’t see that anything too good to be true probably is. I mean I’ve been guilty of making bad decisions and I’m far from perfect.

I’m not sure what the reason is that crpto, NFTs, share trading platforms, courses, MLMs etc bug me so much but they really really do.

Rant over.

The podcast continues to increase in downloads week on week, I get so much pleasure hearing from people that have got some kind of value from it. I’ve been loving the guest episodes and have continued to have some amazing people involved this month.

I’ll see where it goes and if it’s something that I try to monitise or run ads on or if it’s part of the marketing for my coaching business. I’m not sure, it’s a time commitment and therefore does have an opportunity cost associated with it.

Fitness is going well, have been regularly weight training and running. First couple of PT sessions with Hamish which have been incredible. I’ve learnt so much already and grateful for the comparasion to life and business that you can look at as a metphor.

For example the session this morning was incredibly difficult, it was targeting one or two very specific muscles. I thought my base level fitness was okay but this was humbling! I was absolutly smoked by the end of the session. It got me thinking about how a lot of business owners and professionals in general are metaphorically doing what I was doing, showing up to the gym, lifting weights aka doing stuff, (which is better than nothing) BUT with some focus, assistance and a third party to really work specific areas that need attention it’s a completely different experience.

I guess the proof is in the pudding but if today’s session is anything to go on, I’m sure the results will follow + noticing that metaphor first hand has been very useful for my own mindset and to apply to other areas of my life.

The weekly newsletter is continuing to be part of my weekly routine. I enjoy doing it, it’s a good chance for me to block off an hour and to put some thought into what I’d like to communicate to my network.

I do welcome feedback on anything I’m doing, whether it be my social media, the podcast, the newsletter, the website, anything that is constructive is appreciated.

My 15 minute time cap has been reached so will leave the update at that for another.

I hope you’re well and as always, feel free to get in touch if there’s anything you’d like to know, want to work together on or suggestions for content to produce.

David MelseComment