July 2023

Well, another month, another 10 minute timer set and a commitment to producing an update blog on where I’m at and what’s been happening this month.

West Coast property: 

I’ve been lucky enough to have some longer term Airbnb Guests in there this month which has meant less admin and cleaning which has been nice, the margin / nightly rate hasn’t been huge but I think it’s been a fair exchange for the convenience of not having to do anything. 

Since the last update the Management company I was going to use didn’t work out so I’m now meeting another one at the property which I’m looking forward to, I get a much better gut feeling this time around. 

The Weak Retreats development is still on my mind and although it’s on a stand still currently I do still love the idea and concept of creating a luxurious, relaxing minor dwelling and having a way to share my passion for the West Coast  Perhaps that’ll be a slow burn / maybe something will happen on Wednesday chatting with the new potential manager there. 

Deal finding / brokering deals:

My “Main focus” since leaving Goleman, it’s been going well, I’ve caught up with many people in my network and have established around 20 different fee deals which is great. I think it’s a viable model and I’ll continue making introductions and introducing people to one another, it’s more a question of what else will be a spending my time doing and what do I want to be doing longer term. 


Recently I handed back a lease vehicle I had, hugely satisfying! Ordered a Tesla, Brough a lower value Hyundai to use while I wait on the Tesla and am also selling a Range Rover Sport on behalf of my friend and vehicle dealer, Andrew from Eyrewell Forest Motor Company.  (https://www.efmc.co.nz/)


Running and gym is going well, on the cusp of registering for the Queenstown Marathon, just waiting to get some more milage under foot and a little bit further through my training plan before committing. 

Sunday Morning run club is going well, loving how Mack has promoted that and kept it going, it’s exciting to see where it will go.

Weight training is going okay, using the strength app and enjoying it, a little frustrated with the progress and confusion around building muscle but that’s okay, I’ll figure it out and keep experimenting. 

Mastermind Group:

Along with a friend of mine Tom, we’ve been running the Tuesday lunch time Mastermind Groups, only one deep but love the theory of bringing together like minded dudes who are growth orientated, value health and fitness and are looking to network and to learn from others. 


I had a win lately getting the two Rode Mic’s working which gives me the ability to host guests and to do what I’ve wanted from the start which is to get some people from network to tell their story and have an interesting chat.

$10million progress:

As the 1 year anniversary is next month I’m well aware of time ticking by and that I’ll soon only have 9 years left. I’ve certainly learnt a lot over the last year and made some changes. I’m still figuring out what exactly the plan is to get to $10m but It’s constantly on my mind and I think having it top of mind along with daily income targets has helped created new normals for me. 

Thanks for reading and see you back next time. 

David MelseComment