30Flex FAQ

It’s a common theme that around my birthday each year I reflect / freak out / have some form of crisis. 2021 was no different. 

I looked in the mirror and wasn’t happy. I was legit skinny fat and I wanted to do something about it! (Photo below)

I’ve got to acknowledge Roddy at Get Me Fitter as he was the Personal Trainer that helped get me started on the fitness and lifestyle journey I’m on. He made it easy, accessible and reduced the friction to being both more physically active as well as making better nutrition and lifestyle choices.

I’d heard of 75Hard over the years as I’m a big fan of Any Frisella (the creator of 75Hard) and his content but it just seemed like an insurmountable mission to workout twice a day, mostly because of my schedule with work and parenting (which in hindsight was just a limiting belief). 

Long story, long. I decided to create a watered down version of 75Hard and called it 30Soft. To comically reflect that it’s easier / softer than 75 and also that the duration is 30 days long, not 75. 

Between August 2021 and present day Jan 2023 I’ve attempted a few variations of the concept with varying degrees of success. 

Over the recent holiday season Emily noticed the 30Flex (renamed from 30Soft) brand pop up on Instagram and asked about it. Being the absolute perfect time of the year to be talking about challenges and goal setting she suggested why not kick it off again…

I thought why not, why not just simplify the whole concept, take action put it out there and see what happens! 

30Flex FAQ’s:

What is it?

It’s a community of like minded people who value growth, health and fitness and winning 

How does it work?

3 easy steps:

  1. Message me to confirm that you’re in! 

  2. I’ll reply with the bank account info to set up a weekly automatic payment for $10.00 recurring on the day that you sign up

  3. You confirm what you’re committing too

How do I know what to commit to?

The one requirement for anyone joining is:

1 x 30 minute work out per day. This can be anything where you’re moving: Weights, cycling, running, walking, stretching, yoga etc

You can keep it at just that or you can add on either daily, weekly or monthly tasks.

My advice, especially when starting is to be conservative. It can be easy to be ambitious when committing to a set of tasks for 30 days. I’d suggest starting with 1-3 in your first month before building up to more, Ideally you want it to be difficult but not impossible. Personally I think it’s best to establish some momentum in month one, learn what’s a good amount of pressure and then ramp up in subsequent months.

Here’s some ideas / themes to consider:

  1. Daily meditation

  2. Daily reading (audio or physical)

  3. Fitness, running, gym, walking, any activity

  4. Specific bed time or wake up time

  5. X amount of water per day

  6. Cold showers

  7. Talk to strangers

  8. Shakti mat

  9. Daily progress picture

  10. Follow a diet / specific nutrition / avoidance of X foods or drinks

  11. No alcohol

  12. X number of cold calls / work related task

With anything the key is to be specific and be able to clearly determine if you’ve passed or failed each day. I’ll provide feedback if your tasks aren’t specific enough.

Do I have to share my challenge details either publicly or within the group?

You don’t have to, you’re welcome to censor some or all of your tasks

Is there a cost?

There’s a $10.00 a week membership fee, billed at time of joining and each week following on that same day. Eg the first of the month is on a Tuesday, your payments will recur on Tuesday

There’s also a $30.00  penalty “fine” for each time you fail on a challenge task, per day. Eg if you miss one of your give tasks one day, that’s $30.00 or if another day you miss two of your five tasks one day that’s $60.00. Or ideally if you go the whole month without failing no fines are payable. 

What do I get for my membership 

  1. Accountability group chat 

  2. Personal, individual 1:1 communication with David.

  3. Access to the private Facebook Group 

  4. Networking with the other like minded Members

  5. Assistance with setting monthly commitments

Tell me about the accountability Group Chat

Over the last few months myself and 5 others have had a Facebook Messenger Group Chat going where we post what we’re committing to doing. On top of your 30 day commitments you can add ad hoc tasks.

Eg say you’ve been procrastinating on cleaning your house and know it needs doing. You post about committing to having it done on the weekend or otherwise the standard Fine is payable.

It seems simplistic but it works!

Where does the $30 fine go?

The majority of it (minus an admin fee) will go to a charity. Currently Upstream NZ is the nominated charity.

David MelseComment