David Melse

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September 2023

The timer is set, 30 minutes this time.  I’m going through a pivotal moment in both life and the challenge currently. 

The one year anniversary of the challenge has been and gone and now that I’ve emotionally recovered from turning 40 and having less than 9 years to reach the $10 million net wealth target. A few things have happened.

I find serendipity interesting, not too be to spiritual or left field but I believe things happen for a reason. Recently I was introduced to someone via a friend of mine.

I had spoken on the podcast earlier about having it as a goal of mine to record an episode and to meet someone with $10 million + in net wealth. I also wanted it to be fairly organic in that I’m not coercing, begging or paying them to be on the podcast. I wanted it to happen naturally. 

Well, I was lucky enough to meet and spend the better part of the day with a guy by the name of Aaron Green. We recorded 3 episodes back to back and I personally had a great time. Laughs, meaningful chat, insight, it was an incredible experience. I’ll release the episodes as per the new schedule of every Monday and Thursday. 

I haven’t actually listened back to them yet but I’m looking forward to it. I think there was some good content, hopefully it’s as good as I remember it! 

That experience has caused me to re think the challenge, the name of the podcast and what I’m aiming toward in life. I’m exploring the option of offering coaching services which I’m loving but I do also have that burning desire to build something over the next year 10 years. I’m not sure what that might be, it could be a coaching business or a brand that helps people or it might be something completely different so you’ll have to watch this space. 

The gist of one of the episodes / the day in general is that money doesn’t equal happiness and it’s more a by product of doing great work. 

The weather is getting warmer and with day light savings just around the corner I’m very grateful for longer days and winter being over. 

Exercise is going well, will likely pass on the Queenstown Marathon now and aim toward Buller 2024. Pending health and how I respond the training. 

75Hard has started off strong, I’m only 9 days in but already loving the structure and added pressure that comes with having the daily tasks to tick off. Ironically It feels like I’ve put on weight and can’t seem to stop eating. The diet I’ve chosen is restrictive but not to quantities / serving size. It seems that there’s a constant hunger, perhaps it’s part of working from home and having the easy access to the food, not sure but ideally I’ll manage to reduce body fat by the end of the challenge, not increase it.

Mens Mastermind Lunches have been well attended, a diverse range of guests, younger, older, experience, starting out, it’s been great to see new people meeting with laughs and wisdom shared. 

My Tesla is expected to arrive later this month, I’ve got the charging cable which is a start, will be nice to have a car to go along with it. 

One of my tasks and projects at the moment is to build out the page on my website for coaching and the mastermind group. The Mastermind Group is free at the moment but it will be good to have some more information + a static page with information for anyone that’s interested in the coaching. It’s funny how the most important tasks often get bumped. Which is yet another reason why a coach is valuable, to provide that accountability, support and also wants you to succeed. I do love the model. 

Back to the podcast, I’m approaching on 60 episodes, video has been introduced, as well I’ve been experimenting with AI to cut the full video into segments and add subtitles, it really is crazy what’s possible. 

I’ve also been listing to a fair amount of Diary of the CEO podcast which has been both educational and inspirational. Love how there’s so much quality content available currently. 

Weka Retreats is still on hold, at least for the foreseeable future, I’ve likely got some long term tenants to move into the property later in the month but the land is still available and ready to be used. I’m not sure what will happen with it. I love it there and would be great to share it with others. 

As the timer almost goes off, I’ll sign off until another episodes. If you haven’t already subscribed to my weekly email newsletter that get’s sent each Tuesday, there’s a link below.

Thanks for reading.
