David Melse

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2024 Q1 Update

I’ve allocated 20 minutes today. Writing a blog is not something that I’m naturally drawn to doing.

It’s a forced effort but I do believe there’s value in documenting the journey of making $10 million in a written form, in addition to the primary medium being the podcast.

Approaching the 2 year mark in August, I’m feeling GREAT! I’m feeling great because I’ve got a plan in mind for how to reach the goal. 

There’s a long, long way to go financially but for the first time since starting I’ve got clarity.

Before I get into the specifics, which I will (and spoiler alert, it’s not that complicated and fancy) I thought I’d recap the last few months since the last blog back in March, 2024.

A few things have changed structurally, Emily and I have moved in together. Winter has hit! -3 yesterday which officially “felt like -6” which for NZ is fairly cold. Maybe it wouldn't be if housing standards were better but hey, it is what it is. 

I’m pumped about ALT. which is what I’m branding my coaching business as. It’s a throwback to the past as ALT. was also the name of my marketing agency which ran from 2015-2021 ish. 

Working with an Agency and talking about the concept of reusing the name, it was a good example in critical thinking and if it’s a good idea, the conclusion is that I’m going with it. I like the name, I like the logo, I like that when I started it my mission was to help friends with their marketing and the goal is very similar now in that, my goal is to work with and help Business Owners improve their businesses, use time most effectively and become better operators. 

As I reach capacity with 10 retainer clients as well as another 6 who have purchased the 6 x session package. I’m excited to look toward to the future and adding on the option to work with businesses on a project basis. Developing business systems, reporting, dashboarding, technology implementation. That’s not scheduled to happen until Q4 this year but it’s good to start thinking about it now and what it might look like from a service offering.

I recently recorded a podcast with a good friend of mine Michael Karabasssis who spoke of his mantra of spending 80% of the time in the day to day and 20% in the future, planning. Working on what the future looks like, the bigger picture which I thought was fantastic! It’s extremely easy to get caught in the busy trap and to become so caught up in the day to day that there’s no chance to pause and to think bigger picture. 

Recently I’ve established the habit of spending a few hours in at IHG Saturday & Sunday mornings working on the bigger picture of my business. I look forward to this time each week and it’s got me thinking about creating rituals and routines. One way of doing it is to create the rhythm. Another is by stacking habits together which I’ve also found useful.

Heading into winter I am feeling a change of energy, it’s not a bad thing, it’s just different, shorter sun shine hours, colder temperatures, I think this coupled with higher interest rates and a lot of chat around certain industries like construction slowing down there definitely is some apprehension in the market. 

Like always though, life is what you make of it. So although there’s some reluctance, hesitation or pessimism in the market, it does represent opportunity. I’m grateful to work with uplifting Business Owners who understand this and see it as a “Cup half full” moment.

The podcast is continuing to grow, Toby is doing a fantastic job of producing that. Grateful for the brand partnerships in place and looking forward to continual improvement with it. 

On the horizon is making some “1%” improvements, small tweaks that will lead to consistent changes. Examples of this are new mic stands, new guest screening and onboarding, more research and planning before recording and also running ads on Instagram to push traffic and increase exposure. 

Another win lately has been the Mens Mastery Monthly Events, the last one earlier this month had 23 guests, mostly business owners, varying ages and stages of business but a very similar energy and mindset of openness, generosity and ambition. This has lead me to explore the option of 2 x spin off events. A monthly mastermind group with a different co host each month and a larger twice annual event with the first one penciled in for October. 

I feel there’s real value to getting like minded people together to share ideas, develop and build relationships and spend time together in the real world. 

Exploring different options and venues is something I’m curious about. The larger event will likely be at Elements by IHF as are the monthly lunches and the Mastermind Groups will likely be at The Loft, Apple Boardroom for more of a business vibe. In a quieter space more suitable for a facilitated discussion. 

I hope you’re well and that 2024 is going to plan? 

If you’re curious to know more about Business Coaching or the Events, please do get in touch, I’m passionate about both those and love meeting new people, in business looking to grow. 
