David Melse

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2024 Jan & Feb Update

I’m incredibly grateful for the way the year has started off!

Taking a few weeks off over Christmas was amazing but I remember coming to the end of December and thinking the timing wasn’t ideal, I’d started generating momentum with my coaching business and things were starting to happen! At the end of 2023 I had a handful of coaching clients and was establishing my offering. 

Thankfully I was able to hit the ground running early Jan. I remember the first week back being INTENSE! Straight into the deep end so to speak.

Since then I’ve managed to continue signing new clients and am still loving the role as a coach, I feel like I’ve found my Ikigai which is amazing, it only took 40 years. 

I’m still podcasting and have got a workflow in place now that is streamlined and efficient, there’s also a video component on the guest episodes which is cool. Looking forward to growing my YouTube channel over time.

I’m also very grateful for the sponsors / brand partners that have decided to be a part of the journey, the challenge and the community I’m building. Of like minded people who aren’t settling for the status quo and working to create intentionality in their lives, I’m loving that!

The 100th episode sauna podcast reinforced to me that I love hanging out with like minded people who perhaps think a little differently and are valuing similar things. 

Spending 100 minutes in a sauna (almost 120 minutes) at 100 degrees with 9 other legends was an absolute pleasure, it takes a certain type of person to agree to that, especially at 9pm on Friday evening. 

The Mens’s Mastery events are an extension of this community and IHF / Elements are playing a huge part in this, both from a physical venue perspective but also the partnership with Dan, the Membership in general and now the new Premium Area at the Health Club. 

The challenge itself is going well, perhaps not from a strictly financial perspective but from a mindset perspective I’m VERY clear on what the next 12 - 18 months look like. I’ve modeled out the numbers and my aim is to add a significant amount of net wealth in that time period. 

The Loft is going well, amazing space and something that I can’t believe I didn’t commit to sooner, in terms of being in a co working or office environment. I seriously don’t know how people stay sane and manage to work from home / cafes etc. Everyone is different of course but I really encourage you to come and take a look at the loft (or other co working spaces) if you’re self employed, have a small team or are working as a satellite employee. 

It’s a bit like IHF, the impact the loft has had on my trajectory is meaningful. Highly, highly recommend considering the key environments you’re spending time in, your work place, your home, your gym.

Speaking of homes, that’s an exciting bit of news, after 3 years in the apartment, moving out and into a larger place. It’s both a bit daunting and thrilling. Like any change in life there’s a mixture of those two emotions but I’m all about that. It’s growth, it’s evolution and I’m looking forward to the next chapter.

Fitness and nutrition have been going well, getting crystal clear on my goals has helped. I’m working the plan and doing it most weeks consistently. That was one of the big take aways from the sauna podcast, was NOT to just go through the motions of going to the gym but to get really clear on what you’re trying to achieve, shoutout to Dan Hood for that gem.

I think the same can be applied to all areas of life, are you going through the motions or are you intentional and clear about what your goals are. I know for myself that’s really helped me having monthly, quarterly, annual and multi year goals. I like that if something is scheduled, even if it’s 2 years away, it allows you to allocate time and energy accordingly. 

For example, learning Spanish is on my list, It’s not going to happen this year, or next but in the next 10 years, likely around 2027 I’ll start learning it with intention. The next major “project” is recommencing my PPL (Private Pilot License) which to be honest I’ve started and restarted many times but now, I’m clear, I need to get to a certain revenue amount / business size before being able to allocate any time to it. 

A bit of a ramble of an update but as with a lot of my content, I do it for a record to look back on + the process of writing and reflecting on the last couple of months is also helpful. I’d encourage you to do the same, either via journaling or some type of reflection. 

I hope you’re all well, if you’re not subscribed to my email newsletter, I’d suggest that it's a great way to stay in touch. Currently I’m sending it out every fortnight. 

Thanks also to the Title Sponsor of the $10 million, 10 years challenge - IHF Health Club